Welcome to my new Studio!
A new location, a new studio. My artwork was turning Jumble House into a challenging place to live. Every square inch of wall space boasted a painting or an animal head or decorative plate. Every surface was occupied by strange creatures, sculptures, or models. It was time to move on!
Now, in my new studio, I have ample space to both create and display my work without feeling constrained. The walls invite inspiration, and there’s room for everything—a blank canvas that breathes new life into my artistry. I can finally explore new ideas without the clutter that once surrounded me, and I’m excited to see how this fresh environment will influence my creative process.


"I really love my new display space. During Christmas, I had a wonderful time creating a winter wonderland with two of my grandchildren. Now, it’s time to transition to a new theme."
Don’t forget to check for a new blog post.