Today we are decorating flowerpots at Jumble House.
Ceramic pots
White glue
Black acrylic paint
Air Dry Clay
Metallic paints
First we brush white glue all over the pot. Use 50:50 water and glue.
Next cover the pot in paper tissues , one layer at a time. Most tissues will separate into 3 layers. To obtain the lovely wrinkled effect, scrunch up the layers as you paste them on.
Roll out the clay and cut into the desired shapes. Here we are making sunflower pots so individual petals are cut out.
Moisten with glue and stick onto the pot.
Score the petals with knife. I use a pencil top
for the centre pattern.
Then brush black paint over the entire pot making sure you get into the creases and scores.
Finish by brushing with metallic paints. Brush lightly so only the surface is touched and the black shows in the wrinkles and creases.
Now watch the video.
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