Title: "From Tights to Toys: The Magical Journey of Jumbles"

Many years ago, on a quest to craft a storybook filled with vibrant characters for our Granddaughter, I stumbled upon a pair of forgotten tights. It was this serendipitous discovery that sparked the birth of the beloved 'Jumbles' toys. Each character intricately crafted from a blend of imagination and resourcefulness, demonstrating how inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places!
The stories became books then, as our own family grew so did the family of Jumbles. From the introduction of my first ‘Jumble’ Maisie, arrived Georgie, and Alfie and Mr. Frog.

Halloween brought a new and significant addition to the family. Lizzy Witch the lovable and eccentric character captivating hearts with her crazy magic spells.

As a scientist at heart, I saw the perfect opportunity to merge art and science by creating fun educational videos featuring Lizzy. They were only amateur videos created in the Jumble House kitchen but I loved making them and my reward was when others enjoyed watching and learning from them.
Here is a link to one of the videos. :
Witness the magic unfold on the Jumble House YouTube Channel, where children can explore exciting science concepts in an engaging way. From wacky experiments to mind-boggling discoveries, Lizzie Witch transforms learning into a mesmerizing adventure for viewers of all ages. !